No one gets married thinking that someday they will be filing for divorce. But it is a reality. More than half of the marriages today will end up in divorce court. That is the bad news.
Now the good news. The process of divorcing does not have to be as bad as most people (and attorneys) make it out to be. I am a strong believer that the process of divorce can be done peacefully, amicably with less stress and less cost (both emotionally and financially).
Will everyone be able to do this? NO!
It will take both a husband and wife who truly want to make the process be as painless as possible. If one of the parties wants to be vindictive or "get even" it probably won't work until they have spent thousands of dollars needlessly.
If children are involved, it is even more important that both parties try to negotiate fairly to resolve all matters. Will everyone be able to do that? Unfortunately, NO!
I hear people all the time say "all I want is what is best for the children". In the meantime, they use the kids like pawns in trying to hurt the other person or pursue their own agenda. These are the same people willing to spend a thousand dollars to get a "lava lamp" or some other useless possession when all they are trying to do is stick to their soon to be ex-spouse. How stupid is that!
Mark The Lawyer's Approach-
By now you may have a feeling that I take a different approach to the process of divorce. I think a lot of the current approaches to divorce is flawed and only causes people to act in ways that are harmful to their children, ex-spouse and themselves. I won't be able to change the "establishment" but I can help those wanting an approach that resolves conflict peacefully, quickly, amicably and allows people to move on with their lives.
If you are looking for a lawyer who:
- "Will win at all costs"
- "Tear my spouse apart"
- "Make him/her pay"
Don't bother calling me, I am not the right lawyer for you.
If you think that there might be a better way to resolve conflict and get through the process of divorce peacefully and amicably, give me a call, I will gladly talk to you. In the meantime, I hope you get my report titled:
4 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Your Divorce!